Thursday, 26 April 2018


Tarik nafas

Alhamdulillah masih bernafas
Alhamdulillah masih hidup didunia ini

Iyaaa realiti itu perit
Iyaaa segalanya memenatkan
Iyaaa seakan penderitaan ini takkan berakhir

Tarik nafas
Saat itu...
Saat ini ada sesuatu yang harus disyukuri
Saat ini ada jiwa yang memerlukan kamu
Saat ini ada sesuatu yang harus dilakukan

Langsaikan segalanya

Tarik nafas
Ini yang terakhir


Saturday, 14 April 2018

Give me another reason to stay

Give me another reason to stay
Because right now i am considering to leave

I love you
I love myself when i am with you

But i want to leave

I want to leave to seek a better opportunities

I want to leave this life with you in it

I want to start anew
I want to pursue more

(I don't know what)

With you, everything is so sure, secure, balance

It kills me

I love you
Love is the reason to leave

Give me another reason to stay